The Digital Interests Lab is proud to collaborate with the THICC lab at PSU and Logic(s) Magazine at Columbia on a critical technology fellowship and public lecture program (scheduled for 24-March in Foster Auditorium @ Penn State), Spilling The Tea & Stilling the Ocean. The vision for this multi-institution initiative is to deepen engineers and computer and information scientists engagement with the black radical tradition, and, similarly, for those with humanities training to expand their engagement with technology beyond its downstream impacts. Spilling The Tea aims to bring together scholars to consider how the engineering design and development of computational systems may work with theory and praxis from critical tech and black studies (and the like). That is, we hope to create community and space to have those who engineer computational systems engage and collaborate with those who critique and reimagine those systems (and more generally the human) for the transdisciplinary task of reimagining and developing new systems.

For event registration, you can click here.