A Digital Interests Lab and AI Now Collaboration
The PITCh is a monthly series of remote conversations between established and early career scholars to support the work of practitioners and academics interested in public interest technology, with topics ranging from substantive issues to professional development topics.
The PITCh, hosted by Lab Director Prof. Anne L. Washington, PhD, will feature analysis and approaches by established scholars, and extensive opportunities for dialogue and reflections with two guests per session. Each session will also have a limited number of early career individuals as a “live” audience, who will have the opportunity to ask questions and respond to the main conversation (apply for that here). The events will be broadcast live in a Zoom Webinar format, and will also have a brief general public Q&A towards the end.
The PITCh is partially funded by the National Science Foundation and the New America Public Interest Technology University Network.
The Schedule:
October 27th 2021, 3pm Eastern
Centering the Community
Chris Benner and Alexandrina Agloro
November 17th 2021, 5:30pm Eastern
Interdisciplinary Impact
Ryan Calo and Ezekiel Dixon-Roman
December 8th 2021, 3pm Eastern
Criminal Evidence
Beth Bechky and Rebecca Wexler
January 26th 2022, 9am Eastern
AI Snake Oil
Arvind Narayanan and Frank Pasquale
May 11th 2022, 3pm Eastern
Special Edition
Safiya Noble and Latanya Sweeney